Jaca, Spain
27-30 June 2016
General Information
Laboratory astrophysics has made outstanding progress in recent years. Infrared spectroscopy applied to astrophysical media like ices, dust and plasma provides a wealth of information and data of fundamental value to the analysis and interpretation of remote observations. Different models are devised to study the physico-chemical properties of such media. With this workshop and summer school we intend to offer a description of the available tools in this area with examples of their recent applications. This meeting will gather together expert researchers in the field of laboratory astrophysics, who will deliver the main lectures, plus other scientists interested in this area, either students or professionals, who will be given the opportunity to present their work in poster sessions.
This workshop/summer school makes part of the activities programmed within the “Cosmic dust” project (Redes de Excelencia del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad).