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C/ Serrano, 113 bis, 119, 121 y 123.
Madrid 28006 (ESPAÑA).
Tel. +34 91 561 6800
Seminars & Colloquia
Colloquium Marie Curie |
Anthony J. Ryan OBE (The Grantham Center for Sustainable Futures / University os Sheffield). Making Science Work for Refugees and Refugees Work for Science. Tuesday, May 23, 2023 at 12:00 pm at the CSIC Conference Hall. Serrano, 117. Madrid. Free entry until complete capacity. Whatch in the Youtube channel of Marie Curie Colloquia. |
Colloquium Marie Curie |
Caterina Biscari (Directora del sicrotrón Alba). Sincrotón Alba. Presente y futuro. Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 12:00 pm at the CSIC Conference Hall. Serrano, 117. Madrid. Free entry until complete capacity. Whatch in the Youtube channel of Marie Curie Colloquia. |
Colloquium Marie Curie |
Ramón López de Mántaras Badía (Prof. Ad Honorem Instituto de Investigación en Inteligencia Artificial, CSIC). El Traje Nuevo de la IA. Friday, March 3, 2023 at 12:00 pm at the CSIC Conference Hall. Serrano, 117. Madrid. Whatch in the Youtube channel of Marie Curie Colloquia. |
Official Programs of IEM Seminars 2023 |
Prof. Stéphane Colin, Institut Clément Ader (Toulouse). "Gas flows in fluidic microsystems: from theory to applications". Wednesday, May 31, 2023 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. Whatch in the Youtube channel of IEM. |
Lucía Díaz-Iglesias, Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterráneo y Oriente Próximo (Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. "¿Podemos ir más allá de los textos? Los escribas que decoraron cámaras egipcias hace 3.500 años". Friday, May 26, 2023 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. Whatch in the Youtube channel of IEM. |
Doctor Mariano Campoy-Quiles, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona. "Hight throughpout screening in organic solar cells: Improving our fundamental understanding and the device efficiency". Thursday, March 9, 2023, at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Prof.Leonardo Modesto, Southern University of Science and Technoology en Shenzhen (China). "Non local Quantum Gravity: Theory and Implications". Thursday, January 12, 2023 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Christmas Seminar 2022 |
Dr. J. Fernando Barbero González. "Base 2, base3,…, base n: curiosidades de los sistemas de numeración".. Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. Free entry until to complete capacity. Whatch in the Youtube channel of IEM. |
Seminar |
Prof. Damiano Anselmi, recognized international expert in field theory who has recently proposed a method for unitary field theory with derivatives of higher order, will impart "A new quantization principle from a minimally non time-ordered product". Thursday, 15th December, 2022 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Colloquium Marie Curie |
Pedro Miguel Echenique Landiríbar (Fundación Donostia International Physics Center). La sublime utilidad de la ciencia inútil. Thursday, 15th December, 2022 at 12:00 pm at the CSIC Conference Hall. Serrano, 117. Madrid. Free entry until complete capacity. Whatch in the Youtube channel of Marie Curie Colloquia. |
Colloquium Marie Curie |
Joanna Haigh (Imperial College, London). The Science of climate change. Tuesday, 25th October, 2022 at 12:00 pm at the CSIC Conference Hall. Serrano, 117. Madrid. Free entry until complete capacity. Whatch in the Youtube channel of Marie Curie Colloquia. |
Seminar |
Profesores Esteban Prieto Vicioso y Virginia Flores-Sasso, UNPH and PUCMM de Santo Domingo (República Dominicana) Catedral de Santo Domingo: su restauración científica. Friday, 16th September, 2022 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. Free entry until complete capacity. |
Colloquium Marie Curie |
Julián Casanova (Universidad de Zaragoza). Una introducción al siglo XX europeo. Thursday, 26th May, 2022 at 12:00 pm at the CSIC Conference Hall. Serrano, 117. Madrid. Free entry until complete capacity. Whatch in the Youtube channel of Marie Curie Colloquia. |
Official Programs of Colloquia 2021-2022 |
Dr. Sachiko Kuroyanagi (Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT), CSIC. Probing primordial black holes through the stochastic gravitational wave background.. Wednesday, 18th May, 2022 at 12:00 pm. at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. Whatch in the Youtube channel of IEM. |
Prof. Haritz Sardon (POLYMAT, University of the Basque Country). Mejorando la sostenibilidad de los poliuretanos sin olvidar aplicaciones innovadoras.. Thursday, 21th April, 2022 at 12:30 pm. at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. Whatch in the Youtube channel of IEM. |
Dra. Bárbara Michela Giulano (Scientist from Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in München). Optical Properties Investigation of Interstellar Ice Analogs.. Wednesday, 23th March, 2022 at 12:00 am. at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121 (capacity limited to 50%). |
Dr. Ramón Paniagua-Domínguez (Senior scientist, deputy head of the Advanced Optical Technologies Department. Institute of Materials Research an Engineering. Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A* Star), Singapore). Dielectric nanoantennas for light propagation and emission control.. Thursday, 24th February, 2022 at 16:00 pm. Live in the Youtube channel of IEM. |
Molecular Physics Department |
Dr. Davide Alberton (Scientist from Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Germany). High-resolution rotational spectroscopy for prebiotic molecules in space. Thursday2, March, 24, 2022 at 12:00 am. at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. Capacity limited to 50% (23 places). |
Softmatpol Gropup Seminar |
Dr. Ignacio Martín-Fabiani (Senior Lecturer in Department of Materials. Loughborough University. Leicestershire. UK). Watching paint dry: How fundamental science can improve funtcional coatings.. Friday, January 28, 2022 at 12:00 am. Whatch in the Youtube channel of IEM part 1 and part 2. |
Christmas Seminar 2021 |
Dr. Rafael Molina (científico titular del Instituto de Estructura de la Materia). Historia de un transistor. Monday, December 20, 2021 at 12:00 am at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. Free entry until to complete capacity. Whatch in the Youtube channel of IEM. |
Official Programs of Colloquia 2020-2021 |
Dr. Klaus Attenkofer (Scientific Director of spanish sinchotron ALBA). New possibilities for the spanish user community: From ALBA to ALBA II. Thursday, 13th May, 2021 at 12:00 am. Live in the Youtube channel of IEM. |
Official Programs of Colloquia 2019-2020 |
Dr. Manuel López-Puertas (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, CSIC). Non-local thermodynamic equilibrium in planetary atmospheres. Tuesday, January 28, 2020 at 12:00 am at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121, Madrid. |
Prof. Alexander Dorn (Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics). Electron Impact Ionization of Atoms, Molecules and Clusters. Thursday, December 12, 2019 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. Madrid. |
Official Programs of Colloquia 2018-2019 |
Prof. Mariano Santander (Universidad de Valladolid). Visualizando y "fotografiando" los Agujeros Negros. Monday, May 27, 2019 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. Madrid. |
Dr. Jaime Martín (UPV/EHU-POLYMAT). Revealing the Absolute Composition of Organic Solar Cells by Fast Scanning Calorimetry. Monday, April 1, 2019 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. Madrid. |
Prof. Luis Bañares (Departamento de Química Física de la UCM). Femtoscopia: Láseres ultrarrápidos para observar y manipular reacciones químicas. Thursday, December 13, 2018 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. Madrid. |
Prof. John R. Lombardi (The City College of New York). Recent Advances in SERS for Sensing Devices. Tuesday, October 30, 2018, at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. Madrid. |
Official Programs of Colloquia 2017-2018 |
Dr. José Mª Fernández (Instituto de Estructura de la Materia). El agua líquida más fría. Thursday, March 15, 2018, at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. Madrid. |
Dr. Javier Cortés, Jefe de Sección de cáncer de mama y tumores ginecológicos del Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal. "Presente y futuro en la lucha contra el cáncer de mama: la eficacia de la terapia antiHER2". Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 12:00 pm , at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. Madrid. |
Dra. Ana Achúcarro (Lorentz Center, University of Leiden. "Observar el Big Bang / Observing the Big Bang". Monday, November 27, 2017 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. Madrid. |
Dr. Marco Leona (Head of Scientific Research Department, The Metropolitan Museum, New York ), "The Cultural Meanings of Color: Raman Spectroscopic Studies of Red, Pink and Purple Dyes in Late Edo and Early Meiji Period Japanese Woodblock Prints". Friday, October 27th, 2017 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. Madrid. |
Official Programs of Colloquia 2016-2017 |
Dra. Alicia M. Sintes Olives (Universitat de les Illes Balears. Palma de Mallorca) "Ondas gravitacionales: ¡así suena el Universo... por fin!". Friday, June 9, 2017 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121, Madrid. |
Dra. Rosario González-Férez (Instituto Carlos I de Física Teórica y Computacional. Universidad de Granada), "Dinámica no-adiabática de moléculas en campos externos". Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Dra. Gema Martínez-Criado (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid ICMM-CSIC), "Exploring materials with hard X-ray nanobeams". Thursday, March 23, 2017 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Official Programs of Seminars 2015-2016 |
Prof. José Vicente García Ramos (Departamento de Espectroscopía Nuclear, Vibracional y de Medios Desordenados, IEM/CSIC), "Espectroscopía SERS sobre nanoestructuras metálicas: desarrollo de nanosensores moleculares plasmónicos". Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Dr. Alberto Jiménez Suárez (Área de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Materiales de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid), "Materiales multifuncionales basados en materiales compuestos de matriz epoxi reforzados con nanoestructuras de carbono ". Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Dra. María Teresa Cueto (Departamento de Física Molecular, IEM/CSIC), "Espectroscopía de muy alta resolución con dos láseres". Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Prof. Tobias Kramer (Department of Physics. Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and Zuse-Institut Berlin. Germany), "Modeling energy transfer dynamics in photosynthesis: the interplay of coherence and dissipation". Tuesday, January 12, 2015 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Official Programs of Seminars 2014-2015 |
Prof. María José García Borge (Departamento de Espectroscopía Nuclear, Vibracional y de Medios Desordenados, IEM/CSIC), "El núcleo: cien años de sorpresas y beneficios para la sociedad". Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Dr. Vicente Timón Salinero (Departamento de Física Molecular, IEM/CSIC), "Modelización ab initio de adsorción de gases de efecto invernadero en zeolitas (ZIF'S) y peculiaridades en sus espectros infrarrojos". Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Dr. Javier Ramos Díaz (Departamento de Física Macromolecular, IEM/CSIC), "Modelización y simulación multiescalar en física". Friday, March 13, 2015 at 12:00 pm. at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Prof. José Ramón Martín Solís (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid), "Física y Tecnología de la Fusión Nuclear por Confinamiento Magnético: El Proyecto ITER". Friday, February 27, 2015 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Official Programs of Seminars 2013-2014 |
Dr. Vincenzo Giannini (Imperial College, London, UK), "Advances in Theory of Plasmonics: Boosting Light-Matter Interaction". Wednesday, May 28, 2014 at 12:00 pm at the CSIC Press Room, Serrano 113. |
Dra. Ana María Díez Pascual (Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Polímeros, CSIC), "Desarrollo de nanocompuestos poliméricos basados en poli (éter éter cetona) y nanotubos de carbono". Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Dr. Gianluca Calcagni (Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC), "Cosmología y gravedad cuántica". Thursday, March 20, 2014 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Dra. Isabel Tanarro Onrubia (Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC), "Plasmas fríos de hidrógeno: Uiverso vs. laboratorio". Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Official Programs of Seminars 2012-2013 |
Dr. Óscar Ahumada Heredero (Mecwins S.L.), "Biosensado nanomecánico. Historia de una Spin off del CSIC". Friday, May 31, 2013 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Dr. Óscar Gálvez González (Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC), "On the Mechanism of Atmospheric Iodine Oxide Particle Formation". Friday, April 19, 2013 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Dr. Jordi Mur-Petit (Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC), "(Ultra)Cold Molecules: A New Playground for Physicists and Chemists". Tuesday, March 5, 2013 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Dr. Alessandro Feis (Department of Chemistry "Ugo Schiff", University of Florence, Italy), "Multiple modes of interaction between myoglobin and gold nanospheres: a model for the formation of protein/nanoparticle complexes". Tuesday, October 30, 2012 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Official Programs of Seminars 2011-2012 |
Dr. Pablo San José Martín (Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC), "Materiales sorprendentes". Wednesday, June 27, 2012 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Dra. Mª Teresa Expósito Espinosa (Dep. Tecnología y Química Ambiental Universidad Rey Juan Carlos), "Poliolefinas multifásicas: Polipropilenos heterofásicos". Thursday, April 26, 2012 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Dr. José María Fernández Sánchez (Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC), "Filamentos de hidrógeno líquido subenfriado. Experimentos mediante espectroscopía Raman". Friday, March 9, 2012, at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Dr. F. Miguel Marqués (Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire Caen, Francia), "De los Rayos-X a la fisión del átomo: La carrera hacia la bomba" (*). Tuesday, December 20, 2011 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Official Programs of Seminars 2010-2011 |
Dra. Mirta Rodríguez Pinilla (Dep. de Física Molecular), "Quantum dynamics: from ultracold atomic gases to photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes". Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Prof. Sebastian Schlücker (Osnabrück University, Germany), "Raman Spectroscopy and Molecular Recognition:From Artificial Peptide Receptors to the Selective Localization of Proteins in Nanodiagnostics" . Thursday, March 17, 2011 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Prof. Francisco Guinea López (Instituto de Cienca de Materiales, CSIC), "Graphene and its unique properties" . Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Dr. Alejandro Sanz Parras (Dep. de Física Macromolecular), "Materia condensada blanda: dinámica y estructura a diferentes escalas temporales y espaciales" (*). Wednesdays, December 15, 2010 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Official Programs of Seminars 2009-2010 |
Dr. Miguel Ángel Martín Delgado (Dep. de Física Teórica I. Universidad Complutense de Madrid), "Why should Theoretical Physics care about Quantum Computation?" . Wednesday, May 12, 2010 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Dr. José Luis Doménech Martínez (Grupo de Espectroscopía Láser, Dep. de Física Molecular), "Una nueva técnica para el estudio de la relajación rotacional: Doble resonancia Raman-Raman con resolución temporal" (*). Friday, February 5, 2010 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Dr. José Manuel Udías Moinelo (Facultad de Ciencias Físicas de la UCM ), "Imagen funcional de alta resolución mediante tomografía de emisión de positrones: Siguiendo el rastro a las moléculas" (*). Friday, December 18, 2009 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Prof. Carmen Mijangos (Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Polímeros, CSIC), "Los polímeros. De la ciencia básica a las aplicaciones" (*). Tuesday December 1, 2009 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Official Programs of Seminars 2008-2009 |
Dr. Tomasz Pawlowski (Departamento de Química y Física Teóricas), "Before the Beginning: an introduction to Loop Quantum Cosmology" . Monday June 15, 2009 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Dr. Luis Rubio Lago (Department of Chemical Physic I, Chemical Science Faculty, UCM-IEM ), "Slice imaging of the photodissociation of three relevant molecular systems: Xe-Pyrrole, Acetaldehyde and Metyl Iodide. Clusters, Roaming and Conical Intersections" . Thursday May 21, 2009 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Dr.Óscar Gálvez González (Department of Molecular Physics. Instituto de Estructura de la Materia , CSIC), "Laboratory studies of astrophysical ices" . Monday March 30, 2009 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Dr. Pavel Cejnar (Institute of Particles & Nuclear Physics. Faculty of Mathematics & Physics. Charles University , Prague , Czech Republic ), "Chaos in the collective dynamics of atomic nuclei" . Wednesday February 18 2009, at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Dr. Joao T. Cabral (Department of Chemical Engineering Imperial College London, United Kingdom), "Novel routes for 3D nanopatterning using soft matter: wave frontal growth and multi-axial surface instabilities" . |
Drs. Juan Ramón Pardo and Marcelo Castellanos (Dpto. of Molecular and Infrared Astrophysics), "Music and Astronomy for IYA2009" (*). |
Official Programs of Seminars 2007-2008 |
Dr. Pedro Ruiz Castell (Center for History of Science, UAB, presented by the Dpt. of Molecular and Infrared Astrophysics), " The development of Astronomy and Astrophysics in early XX century Spain" (*). |
Dra. Andrea Jungclaus (Dpt. of Nuclear and Statistical Physics). "Current Advances and Challenges in Experimental Nuclear Physic" (*). |
Dr. Gary Ellis ( Institute of Science and Technology of Polymers, CSIC, presented by the Dpt. of Macromolecular Physics) "Spectroscopy and IR Microsprectroscopy with Synchrotron Radiation" (*). |
Dra. Mª Rosa López Ramírez (Dpto. of Vibration Specters and Multiphoton Processes / Dept of Physical Chemistry, University of Málaga). ""Preparation of structured metallic electrodes and their applicattions in Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS)" (*). Tuesday January 22, 2008 at 12:00 pm at the CFMAC Conference Room, Serrano 121. |
Dr. José María Martín García (Dpt. of Theoretical Chemistry and Physics). "Computational methods in General Relativity" (*). |
Dr. Ismael Kenneth Ortega Colomer (Dpt. of Molecular Physics). "The role of ammonia in the growth of Sulfuric Acid Nanoclusters in the Atmosphere" (*). |
Program of Seminars for PhD Studens and Postdocs 2007 |
Isabel Méndez Sánchez (Dpt. of Molecular Physics). "Experimental study and Kynetic modelling of Cold H2 Plasmas and its Mixtures with Ar, N2 and CH4" (*). |
Raúl de Diego Martínez and Ricardo Domínguez Reyes (Dpt. of Nuclear and Statistical Physics). "Theoretical and Experimental Aspects in Nuclear Physics" (*). |
Izaskun Jiménez (Dpt. of Molecular and Infrared Astrophysics). "Processes in Star Formation. The cases of L1448-mm and Cepheus A HW2" (*). |
Luca Guerrini (Dpt. of Vibrational Spectroscopy and Multiphoton processes). "SERS Spectroscopy (Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy): Towards the Detection of Isolated Molecules" (*). |
Jaime J. Hernández Rueda (Dpt. of Macromolecular Physics). "Application of Atomic Force Microscopy to the Study of Polymeric Materials" (*). |
Daniel Gómez Vergel (Dpt. of Theoretical Physics). "Relativist Cosmology" (*). |
(*) In Spanish |