Diffusion of CH4 in amorphous solid water
Belén Maté, Stéphanie Cazaux, Miguel Ángel Satorre, Germán Molpeceres, Juan Ortigoso, Carlos Millán, and Carmina Santonja
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Prediction of the near-IR spectra of ices by ab initio molecular dynamics
Rafael Escribano, Pedro C. Gómez, Belén Maté, Germán Molpeceres and Emilio Artacho
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Silicate-mediated interstellar water formation: a theoretical study
Germán Molpeceres, Albert Rimola , Cecilia Ceccarelli, Johannes Kästner, Piero Ugliengo and Belén Maté.
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Densities, infrared band strengths, and optical constants of solid methanol
Ramón Luna, Germán Molpeceres, Juan Ortigoso, Miguel Angel Satorre, Manuel Domingo, and Belén Maté.
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Precisely controlled fabrication, manipulation and in-situ analysis of Cu based nanoparticles
Lidia Martínez, Koen Lauwaet, Gonzalo Santoro, Jesús M. Sobrado, Ramón. J. Peláez, Víctor. J. Herrero, Isabel Tanarro, Gary Ellis, José Cernicharo, Christine Joblin, Yves Huttel, José Angel Martín-Gago.
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Stability of CH3NCO in astronomical ices under energetic processing. A laboratory study
B. Maté, G. Molpeceres1 I. Tanarro, R. J. Peláez, J. C. Guillemin, J. Cernicharo, V. J. Herrero.
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Plasma generation and processing of interstellar carbonaceous dust analogs
R. J. Peláez, B. Maté, I. Tanarro, G. Molpeceres, M. Jiménez-Redondo, V. Timón, R. Escribano, V. J. Herrero
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Using radio astronomical receivers for molecular spectroscopic characterization in astrochemical laboratory simulations: A proof of concept
I. Tanarro, B. Alemán, P. de Vicente, J.D. Gallego, J.R. Pardo, G. Santoro, K. Lauwaet, F. Tercero, A. Díaz-Pulido, E. Moreno, M. Agúndez, J.R. Goicoechea, J.M. Sobrado, J.A. López, L. Martínez, J.L. Doménech, V.J. Herrero, J.M. Hernández, R.J. Peláez, J.A. López-Pérez, J. Gómez-González, J.L. Alonso, E. Jiménez, D. Teyssier, K. Makasheva, M. Castellanos, C. Joblin, J.A. Martín-Gago, J. Cernicharo
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Accurate Frequency Determination of Vibration–Rotation and Rotational Transitions of SiH+
José L. Doménech, Stephan Schlemmer, and Oskar Asvany.
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Laboratory study of methyl isocyanate ices under astrophysical conditions
B. Maté, G. Molpeceres, V. Timón, I. Tanarro, R. Escribano, J. C. Guillemin, J. Cernicharo and V. J. Herrero.
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Physical and spectroscopic properties of pure C2H4 and CH4:C2H4 ices
Germán Molpeceres, Miguel Angel Satorre, Juan Ortigoso, Alexandre Zanchet, Ramón Luna, Carlos Millán, Rafael Escribano, Isabel Tanarro, Víctor J. Herrero and Belén Maté.
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Structure and infrared spectra of hydrocarbon interstellar dust analogs
Germán Molpeceres, Vicente Timón, Miguel Jiménez-Redondo, Rafael Escribano, Belén Maté, Isabel Tanarro and Víctor J. Herrero.
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Densities and refractive indices of ethane and ethylene at astrophysically relevant temperatures
M.Á.Satorre, C.Millán, G.Molpeceres, R.Luna, B.Maté, M.Domingo, R.Escribano and C.Santonja.
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Interstellar ice analogs: H2O ice mixtures with CH3OH and NH3 in the far-IR region
B. M. Giuliano, R. Martín-Doménech, R. M. Escribano, J. Manzano-Santamaría and G. M. Muñoz Caro.
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Matrix sublimation method for the formation of high-density amorphous ice
A. Kouchi, T. Hama, Y. Kimura, H. Hidaka, R. Escribano, N. Watanabe.
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Optical constants and band strengths of CH4:C2H6 ices in the near- and mid-infrared
G. Molpeceres, M. A. Satorre, J. Ortigoso, C. Millán, R. Escribano and B. Maté.
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Metastable nitric acid trihydrate in ice clouds
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