Department of Molecular Physics
Dept. Molecular Physics
Group of Molecular Physics of Atmospheres and Plasmas
Group of Molecular Physics of Atmospheres and Plasmas
Group of Molecular Fluid Dynamics
Group of Molecular Fluid Dynamics


All telephone extensions (Ext.) correspond to number +34 915616800. When there is a direct line, the whole number is specified.

Name Position Phone Remarks
Dr. Guzmán Tejeda Gala Tenured Scientist Ext. 442360 Head of dept.
Prof. Victor J. Herrero Ruiz de Loizaga Research Professor 915901605
Ext.: 442256, 442307, 442250
Dr. José Luis Doménech Martínez Research Scientist Ext. 442251
Dr. José María Fernández Sánchez Research Scientist Ext. 442359
Dra. Isabel Tanarro Onrubia Research Scientist 915901605
Ext.: 442261, 442307, 442250
Dr. Raúl Z. Martínez Torres Tenured Scientist Ext. 442254
Dra. Belén Maté Naya Tenured Scientist Ext.: 442374, 442250
Dr. Juan Ortigoso Martínez Tenured Scientist Ext. 442365
Dr. Ramón Javier Peláez de Fuentes Tenured Scientist Ext. 442287
Dr. Vicente Timón Salinero Tenured Scientist Ext. 442282

All telephone extensions (Ext.) correspond to number +34 915616800.

Name Position Phone
D. Carlos Álvarez Nicolás Predoctoral Contract Ext. 442284

All telephone extensions (Ext.) correspond to number +34 915616800.

Name Position Phone
D. Miguel Ángel Moreno Alba Research Assistant Ext. 442252
D. Ángel González Valdenebro Specialized Technician Ext. 442273
D. Javier Rodríguez Azañedo Ext. 442260
Name Remarks
Prof. José Manuel Orza Segade (1931-2007) Emeritus Professor and founder of the Department of Molecular Physics. Deceased.
Prof. Salvador Montero Martín (1943-2022) Member of the Department of Molecular Physics since its foundation, he passed away being Research Professor "ad honorem" on May 21, 2022. R.I.P.
Dr. Julio Santos Gómez He retired as Tenured Scientist in November 2024
Dr. Denís Paredes Roibás Defended his PhD Thesis on February 2, 2024. Currently at IMDEA (Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies).
Dr. Miguel Jiménez Redondo Finished his postdoctoral contract on May 15, 2020. Currently at Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics.
Prof. Dionisio Bermejo Plaza Member of the Department of Molecular Physics since its foundation, he retired as Research Professor on January 12, 2020.
Prof. Rafael Escribano Torres Member of the Department of Molecular Physics since its foundation, he retired as Research Professor on June 10, 2019. Deceased.
Dña. María Victoria Hoyos Alfonso Finished his Youth Guarantee Contract in March 2019
Dr. Germán Molpeceres de Diego Finished his FPI contract in March 2019. Currently at the University of Stuttgart.
Dr. Francisco Colmenero Ruiz Finished his authorized stay in October 2018
Dr. Óscar Gálvez Gonzalez Finished his RyC contract in April 2016. Currently at the UNED.
Dra. Teresa Cueto Senra Finished her CONSOLIDER Postdoctoral contract in December 2014, and her authorized stay in January 2016.
Dra. Elena Moreno Atahonero Finished her CONSOLIDER Postdoctoral contract in April 2015.
Prof. Concepción Domingo Maroto Member of the Department of Molecular Physics since its foundation, she retired as Research Professor on April 22, 2014. Thank you Concha!
Dra. Delia Fernández Torre Finished her Postdoctoral contract in december 2013.
Dr. Francisco Gámez Márquez Finished her Postdoctoral contract in december 2013. Currently at the Departamento de Química Física Aplicada, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Dra. Yamilet Rodríguez Lazcano Finished her Postdoctoral contract in december 2013.
Dr. Alexandre Francois Zanchet Finished his Postdoctoral contract in september 2013. Now at IFF-CSIC.
D. Juan Hernández Morilla Finished his authorization to stay in february 2013.
Dª María José Malagón Sisto Research Assistant transfer to Department of Macromolecular Physics in february 2013.
Dr. Luis Rubio Lago Finished his Postdoctoral contract in 2013.
D. David Pérez Risco Research Assistant transfer to CENIM in january 2013.
Dra. Esther Carrasco Burgos Finished her Postdoctoral contract in 2012.
Dra. Mirta Rodríguez Pinilla Finished her RyC Postdoctoral contract in october 2011.
Da Ma Encina López Arias Finished her PhD contract in 2011.
D. José Manuel Castillo de Pedro Retired on December 9, 2010, as OPI Specialist Technician, after 46 years of work. Thank You Pepe!
Dra. Beatriz Martín Llorente Finished her PhD Thesis in february 2010.
Dr. Ángel Ramos Gallardo Finished his I3P Postdoctoral contract in march 2009.
Da. Ma Isabel Méndez Sanchez Finished her pre-doc grant in june 2008.
Dra. Laura Gómez Martín Finished her PhD Thesis in june 2007. Currently at the Laboratorio de Investigación Atmosférica del INTA.
Da Amelia Velo Gómez Finished her I3P contract as Secretary of the Department in june 2007.
D. José Luis Martínez San Martín Finished his I3P contract as Laboratory Technician in the Department in june 2007.
Da Verónica Verdejo Patón Finished her P.I.F grant in june 2007.
Dr. Ismael Kenneth Ortega Colomer Finished his PhD Thesis in june 2006. Currently at the Universidad de Lille (France).
Dr. Marco Castillo García Finished his PhD Thesis in november 2004. Currently at the Technology department of the IES Ciudad de Jaén, Madrid.
Dr. Gustavo Ávila Blanco Finished his PhD Thesis in 2004. Currently at Currently at Eotvos Lorand University (Institute of Chemistry) in Budapest (Hungary).
Dra. Teresa de los Arcos Finished her PhD Thesis in july 1998. Now at Faculty of Sciences, University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany.
Dra. Laura Abad Toribio Finished her PhD Thesis in june de 1996. Currently at the Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio of Madrid.
Dra. María del Mar Sanz Lluch Finished her PhD Thesis in may 1995. Currently at the Instituto de Sistemas Optoelectrónicos y Microtecnología (ISOM) of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

Name Institution and
Slaven Bajic Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier
Doctoral stay.
October, 17 - November, 20. 2022
Dra. Samira Dalbouha Université Mohammed V, Rabat (Morocco).
ATMOS European project stay.
June, 8 - September, 20. 2022
Ricardo Carrasco Herrera Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Trabajo de Fin de Master en nanomatariales avanzados.
January-June 2021
Natalia Vicente Prieto Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Prácticas Externas Curriculares, Grado de Química.
January-March 2021
Nerea Mota Peinado Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
Prácticas Externas Curriculares, y Trabajo fin de Grado en Ciencias Experimentales.
November 2020 - February 2021
Josué Jiménez Sánchez Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Prácticas Externas Curriculares, Grado de Física.
November-December 2020
Ana Menéndez Hidalgo Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Prácticas Externas Curriculares, Grado de Física.
February-March 2020
Ismael Marcos Muñoz Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Prácticas Externas Curriculares, Grado de Física.
February-April 2019
Natalia Castillo Vecino Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Prácticas Externas Curriculares, Grado de Física.
February-April 2019
María Pozo Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Prácticas Externas Curriculares, Grado de Física.
2 September – 29 November 2018
Li Zi Hao Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (China).
June-August 2018
Ricardo Carrasco Herrera Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Prácticas Externas Curriculares, Grado de Química.
February-April 2018
Sofía Ines Alonso-Martínez Wasgien Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Prácticas de Grado de la Carrera de Ciencias Físicas.
March-May 2018
Alejo Cifuentes Santos Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Prácticas de Grado de la Carrera de Ciencias Físicas.
March-April 2018
Rodrigo Álvarez Fernández Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
Prácticas de Grado de la Carrera de Ciencias Experimentales.
February-April 2018
Magín Parra Serrano Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Trabajo fin de Master en Técnicas Ópticas y de la Imagen.
February-September 2017