All telephone extensions (Ext.) correspond to number +34 915616800. When there is a direct line, the whole number is specified.
Name | Position | Phone | Remarks |
Dr. Guzmán Tejeda Gala | Tenured Scientist | Ext. 442360 | Head of dept. |
Prof. Victor J. Herrero Ruiz de Loizaga | Research Professor | 915901605 Ext.: 442256, 442307, 442250 |
Dr. José Luis Doménech Martínez | Research Scientist | Ext. 442251 | |
Dr. José María Fernández Sánchez | Research Scientist | Ext. 442359 | |
Dra. Isabel Tanarro Onrubia | Research Scientist | 915901605 Ext.: 442261, 442307, 442250 |
Dr. Raúl Z. Martínez Torres | Tenured Scientist | Ext. 442254 | |
Dra. Belén Maté Naya | Tenured Scientist | Ext.: 442374, 442250 | |
Dr. Juan Ortigoso Martínez | Tenured Scientist | Ext. 442365 | |
Dr. Ramón Javier Peláez de Fuentes | Tenured Scientist | Ext. 442287 | |
Dr. Vicente Timón Salinero | Tenured Scientist | Ext. 442282 |
All telephone extensions (Ext.) correspond to number +34 915616800.
Name | Position | Phone |
D. Carlos Álvarez Nicolás | Predoctoral Contract | Ext. 442284 |
All telephone extensions (Ext.) correspond to number +34 915616800.
Name | Position | Phone |
D. Miguel Ángel Moreno Alba | Research Assistant | Ext. 442252 |
D. Ángel González Valdenebro | Specialized Technician | Ext. 442273 |
D. Javier Rodríguez Azañedo | Ext. 442260 |
Name | Remarks |
Prof. José Manuel Orza Segade (1931-2007) | Emeritus Professor and founder of the Department of Molecular Physics. Deceased. |
Prof. Salvador Montero Martín (1943-2022) | Member of the Department of Molecular Physics since its foundation, he passed away being Research Professor "ad honorem" on May 21, 2022. R.I.P. |
Dr. Julio Santos Gómez | He retired as Tenured Scientist in November 2024 |
Dr. Denís Paredes Roibás | Defended his PhD Thesis on February 2, 2024. Currently at IMDEA (Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies). |
Dr. Miguel Jiménez Redondo | Finished his postdoctoral contract on May 15, 2020. Currently at Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics. |
Prof. Dionisio Bermejo Plaza | Member of the Department of Molecular Physics since its foundation, he retired as Research Professor on January 12, 2020. |
Prof. Rafael Escribano Torres | Member of the Department of Molecular Physics since its foundation, he retired as Research Professor on June 10, 2019. Deceased. |
Dña. María Victoria Hoyos Alfonso | Finished his Youth Guarantee Contract in March 2019 |
Dr. Germán Molpeceres de Diego | Finished his FPI contract in March 2019. Currently at the University of Stuttgart. |
Dr. Francisco Colmenero Ruiz | Finished his authorized stay in October 2018 |
Dr. Óscar Gálvez Gonzalez | Finished his RyC contract in April 2016. Currently at the UNED. |
Dra. Teresa Cueto Senra | Finished her CONSOLIDER Postdoctoral contract in December 2014, and her authorized stay in January 2016. |
Dra. Elena Moreno Atahonero | Finished her CONSOLIDER Postdoctoral contract in April 2015. |
Prof. Concepción Domingo Maroto | Member of the Department of Molecular Physics since its foundation, she retired as Research Professor on April 22, 2014. Thank you Concha! |
Dra. Delia Fernández Torre | Finished her Postdoctoral contract in december 2013. |
Dr. Francisco Gámez Márquez | Finished her Postdoctoral contract in december 2013. Currently at the Departamento de Química Física Aplicada, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. |
Dra. Yamilet Rodríguez Lazcano | Finished her Postdoctoral contract in december 2013. |
Dr. Alexandre Francois Zanchet | Finished his Postdoctoral contract in september 2013. Now at IFF-CSIC. |
D. Juan Hernández Morilla | Finished his authorization to stay in february 2013. |
Dª María José Malagón Sisto | Research Assistant transfer to Department of Macromolecular Physics in february 2013. |
Dr. Luis Rubio Lago | Finished his Postdoctoral contract in 2013. |
D. David Pérez Risco | Research Assistant transfer to CENIM in january 2013. |
Dra. Esther Carrasco Burgos | Finished her Postdoctoral contract in 2012. |
Dra. Mirta Rodríguez Pinilla | Finished her RyC Postdoctoral contract in october 2011. |
Da Ma Encina López Arias | Finished her PhD contract in 2011. |
D. José Manuel Castillo de Pedro | Retired on December 9, 2010, as OPI Specialist Technician, after 46 years of work. Thank You Pepe! |
Dra. Beatriz Martín Llorente | Finished her PhD Thesis in february 2010. |
Dr. Ángel Ramos Gallardo | Finished his I3P Postdoctoral contract in march 2009. |
Da. Ma Isabel Méndez Sanchez | Finished her pre-doc grant in june 2008. |
Dra. Laura Gómez Martín | Finished her PhD Thesis in june 2007. Currently at the Laboratorio de Investigación Atmosférica del INTA. |
Da Amelia Velo Gómez | Finished her I3P contract as Secretary of the Department in june 2007. |
D. José Luis Martínez San Martín | Finished his I3P contract as Laboratory Technician in the Department in june 2007. |
Da Verónica Verdejo Patón | Finished her P.I.F grant in june 2007. |
Dr. Ismael Kenneth Ortega Colomer | Finished his PhD Thesis in june 2006. Currently at the Universidad de Lille (France). |
Dr. Marco Castillo García | Finished his PhD Thesis in november 2004. Currently at the Technology department of the IES Ciudad de Jaén, Madrid. |
Dr. Gustavo Ávila Blanco | Finished his PhD Thesis in 2004. Currently at Currently at Eotvos Lorand University (Institute of Chemistry) in Budapest (Hungary). |
Dra. Teresa de los Arcos | Finished her PhD Thesis in july 1998. Now at Faculty of Sciences, University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany. |
Dra. Laura Abad Toribio | Finished her PhD Thesis in june de 1996. Currently at the Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio of Madrid. |
Dra. María del Mar Sanz Lluch | Finished her PhD Thesis in may 1995. Currently at the Instituto de Sistemas Optoelectrónicos y Microtecnología (ISOM) of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. |
Name | Institution and Activity |
Dates |
Slaven Bajic |
Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier Doctoral stay. |
October, 17 - November, 20. 2022 |
Dra. Samira Dalbouha |
Université Mohammed V, Rabat (Morocco). ATMOS European project stay. |
June, 8 - September, 20. 2022 |
Ricardo Carrasco Herrera |
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Trabajo de Fin de Master en nanomatariales avanzados. |
January-June 2021 |
Natalia Vicente Prieto |
Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Prácticas Externas Curriculares, Grado de Química. |
January-March 2021 |
Nerea Mota Peinado |
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Prácticas Externas Curriculares, y Trabajo fin de Grado en Ciencias Experimentales. |
November 2020 - February 2021 |
Josué Jiménez Sánchez |
Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Prácticas Externas Curriculares, Grado de Física. |
November-December 2020 |
Ana Menéndez Hidalgo |
Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Prácticas Externas Curriculares, Grado de Física. |
February-March 2020 |
Ismael Marcos Muñoz |
Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Prácticas Externas Curriculares, Grado de Física. |
February-April 2019 |
Natalia Castillo Vecino |
Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Prácticas Externas Curriculares, Grado de Física. |
February-April 2019 |
María Pozo |
Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Prácticas Externas Curriculares, Grado de Física. |
2 September – 29 November 2018 |
Li Zi Hao |
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (China). |
June-August 2018 |
Ricardo Carrasco Herrera |
Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Prácticas Externas Curriculares, Grado de Química. |
February-April 2018 |
Sofía Ines Alonso-Martínez Wasgien |
Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Prácticas de Grado de la Carrera de Ciencias Físicas. |
March-May 2018 |
Alejo Cifuentes Santos |
Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Prácticas de Grado de la Carrera de Ciencias Físicas. |
March-April 2018 |
Rodrigo Álvarez Fernández |
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Prácticas de Grado de la Carrera de Ciencias Experimentales. |
February-April 2018 |
Magín Parra Serrano |
Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Trabajo fin de Master en Técnicas Ópticas y de la Imagen. |
February-September 2017 |