DFT studies of single and multiple molecular adsorption of CH4, SF6 and H2O in Zeolitic-Imidazolate Framework (ZIF-4 and ZIF-6)
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The millimeter-wave spectrum and astronomical search of succinonitrile and its vibrational excited states
C. Cabezas, C. Bermúdez, J. D. Gallego, B. Tercero, J. M. Hernández, I. Tanarro, V. J. Herrero, J. L. Doménech, J. Cernicharo.
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Broad band high resolution rotational spectroscopy for Laboratory Astrophysics
J. Cernicharo, J. D. Gallego, J. A. López-Pérez, F. Tercero, I. Tanarro, F. Beltrán, P. de Vicente, K. Lauwaet, B. Alemán, E. Moreno, V. J. Herrero, J. L. Doménech, S. I. Ramírez, C. Bermúdez, R. J. Peláez, M. Patino-Esteban, I. López-Fernández, S. García-Álvaro, P. García-Carreño, C. Cabezas, I. Malo, R. Amils, J. Sobrado, C. Diez-González, J.M. Hernandéz, B. Tercero, G. Santoro, L. Martínez, M. Castellanos, B. Vaquero Jiménez, J. R. Pardo, L. Barbas, J.A. López-Fernández, B. Aja, A. Leuther, J. A. Martín-Gago.
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Anomalous mechanical behavior of the deltic, squaric and croconic cyclic oxocarbon acids
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Addendum: anomalous mechanical behavior of the deltic, squaric and croconic cyclic oxocarbon acids
Francisco Colmenero.
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Mechanical Properties of Anhydrous Oxalic Acid and Oxalic Acid Dihydrate
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Negative Area Compressibility in Oxalic Acid Dihydrate
Francisco Colmenero.
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Silver Oxalate: Mechanical Properties and Extreme Negative Mechanical Phenomena
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Structural, spectroscopic, and thermodynamic
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Negative linear compressibility in uranyl squarate monohydrate
Francisco Colmenero, Joaquin Cobos and Vicente Timón
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Periodic density functional theory study of the Raman spectrum of the hydrated uranyl oxyhydroxide mineral becquerelite
Francisco Colmenero, Joaquin Cobos and Vicente Timón
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Thermodynamic, Raman Spectroscopic and UV-Visible Optical Characterization of the Deltic, Squaric and Croconic Cyclic Oxocarbon Acids
Francisco Colmenero and Rafael Escribano
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Crystal structure, hydrogen bonding, mechanical properties and Raman spectrum of the lead uranyl silicate monohydrate mineral kasolite
Francisco Colmenero, Jakub Plášil, Joaquín Cobos, Jiří Sejkora, Vicente Timón, Jiří Čejka and Laura J. Bonales
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Characterization of the Copper-Uranyl Tetrahydroxide Mineral Vandenbrandeite
Francisco Colmenero, Jakub Plášil, Joaquín Cobos, Jiří Sejkora, Vicente Timón, Jiří Čejka, Ana María Fernández and Václav Petříček
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The Layered Uranyl Silicate Mineral Uranophane-β: Crystal Structure, Mechanical Properties, Raman Spectrum and Comparison with the α-Polymorph
Francisco Colmenero, Jakub Plášil and Jiří Sejkora
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Prediction of the near-IR spectra of ices by ab initio molecular dynamics
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A theoretical approach of the ethanol adsorption on Au(100), Au(110) and Au(111) surfaces
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New Spectral Characterization of Dimethyl Ether Isotopologues CH3OCH3 and 13CH3OCH3 in the THz Region.
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Inelastic Collisions of O2 with He at Low Temperatures
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Desorption of volatile molecules from the surface of interstellar carbonaceous dust analogues
Víctor J. Herrero, Belén Maté, Isabel Tanarro, Miguel Jiménez-Redondo, Ramón J. Peláez and Rafael Escribano
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Unexpected dynamical effects change the lambda-doublet propensity in the tunneling región for the O(3P)+H2 reaction
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Ionic Polymerization in Cold Plasmas of Acetylene with Ar and He
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Accurate wavenumber measurements for the S0(0), S0(1) and S0(2) pure rotational Raman lines of D2
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Line-shape parameters for pure rotational Raman lines of D2 in He
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Desorption of N2, CO, CH4 and CO2 from interstellar carbonaceous dust analogues
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Silicate-mediated interstellar water formation: a theoretical study
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Nanosecond laser-induced interference grating formation on silicon
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Orbiting resonances in th F+HD (v=0,1) reaction at very low collision energies. A quantum dynamical study
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